Sunday, May 25, 2014

BA + 1

This date (25 May) marks the one year anniversary of my graduation from Augie! Woohoo!

In the past year, I've, obviously, graduated from college and started (and am over half done with) a Master's degree. I can't believe it's been a year since I was at Augie. The time has passed swiftly. The four years I spend in SuFu were, for the most part, fantastic. I made awesome friends and learned a lot about academic stuff but also myself. I was exposed to people that I agreed with and people I didn't. I managed to live away from my parents. I was able to spend a spring break in Germany and a semester in Washington, D.C. I was shaped by amazing professors. Most of these experiences are common for American college students and thousands of us graduate every year.

But, as a personal accomplishment, graduating college is significant for every individual. It marks the culmination of, roughly, 17 years of work. It is also an accomplishment that many people (counting cumulatively) have never had the opportunity to do.

Augie was the best possible choice for me, just as York was the best choice this year.

And now, a few pictures!

From sophomore year, we have the time my flour-filled stress balloon popped all over my desk as I was studying for finals. 

Senior year Icepocalypse and the damage between East and the Commons.

The online announcement of MDFL honors and the title of my paper (although I ended up with a different title).

And finally, one of the final pictures I took at Augie. Ole in the beautiful sunshine.

That's all for this time folks! And remember, it's a GREAT day to be a Viking!

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