Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer: A Brief Recap

Obviously it has been a very long time since I last blogged. Since the beginning of May, I found a job, figured out my fall schedule, and done more research on grad schools.

First, my job. I am nannying/babysitting for a family with two boys, 6 and 4. It is exhausting but entertaining. We spend a lot of time a the park conveniently across the street. The only bad part is sometimes their dog is there... a chocolate lab I think. I have decided I really don't like dogs. (Sorry to all the dog lovers out there... they just aren't worth it. To be fair, cats aren't either.) The best part is when the 4 year old says something funny: "Lukey, sometimes snoozes make you feel better" or "when Luke is 8, I'll be 6" or "I've been half bad and half good" when his brother is on like his 4th time out of the day. Absolutely adorable.

I had originally figured out my fall schedule in April, and then one of my classes got canceled. So now, instead of taking Modern European History I get to take Imagining Antiquity... or something... whatever. It was frustrating because of my 4 day German class the new class I have to take overlaps one day. I should be able to get in and it will be fine... but I can't actually register for the class until I get back to campus and get a form signed... the second class I have to do this for. Basically, these are two classes I have to take this semester and the registrar won't let me in until I jump through their hoops. AND until I'm registered for them the billing office won't charge me for the tuition credits. Whatever.

Lastly, grad schools. I have a list this is a bit long but I know my top 5. Two of them are University of Colorado Denver and Boise State University, which we are visiting this week. The other three and in England.

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