I was happy. We have made plans to go to a different 5 guys every time we go.
On the way back we got a little turned around but no harm no foul.
This morning I made biscuits:
They were pretty good. One of my roommates said they were better than store bought. I would hope so...otherwise Betty would've let me down. They weren't as good as my mom makes but I have hope that next time they will be better.
I also browned some chicken and cut it up to put in my food this week. One part of it I made into lemon chicken:
It was actually pretty good :) I ate it with the rest of the biscuits from this morning:
In between all the cooking, I did laundry. Which was mostly uneventful except for trying to figure out how to work the machines... which was not as intuitive as you would think it would be.
The biggest event of the day was my computer eating a DVD. I was doing reading for my classes this week and wanted to watch Bones on my computer. I put the first disk of the 6th season in (brand spanking new) and my computer won't see it and starts making grinding noises interrupted every so often by the noise it makes when it is about to eject it...only it never does. After freaking out, calling my dad, and making a genius bar appointment, I looked up different fixes online. One involved shoving a thin piece of cardboard into the CD drive... probably not the best idea but it worked. My computer played the DVD and spit it out. Lesson learned: NEVER EVER put a new disk in your computer.
After the excitement of the day wanes, I eagerly anticipate sleeping and starting a new week!
Thanks Ma! I think I'm going to make more with leftover chicken I have.