Monday, October 21, 2013

Mid-October Already!

So, it's mid-October already! Well, I suppose it's late October, but whatever. The last week hasn't been very exciting. Mostly I've been reading, which is not surprising considering academic history is pretty much only reading (even when doing research).

I do have to pick topics for my formative assessments (aka midterm essays that aren't graded). I've been thinking about a couple topics. For my public history class, I've been considering contested pasts, commemoration/memorials, and the role of historical narratives in the US. It would be kind of interesting, but I have to think about it a bit more first. As for my essay for my evolution and society class... I'm not sure. This week we are talking about evolution and religion, specifically the idea of a war between the two (side note: the "war" is imposed on history making the differences seem more rigid than they are). I'm kind of fascinated by the religiosity of early evolutionary (transitional) biology. This one wouldn't focus on the US. We'll see.

In other news: I've met/hung out with more people and am trying to be sociable. I'm still figuring out my banking situation... it's more complicated than I thought it would be... considering the amount of technology in the world and the general fluidity of capital. But whatevs... it'll get sorted eventually.

In other non-personal news: there is going to be (pretty sure) a strike on the 31st of October by the three unions associated with higher education (aka the university tutors and such). I won't really be affected because it's possible not all tutors are going to participate in the strike and, even if my tutors do participate, I don't have class on Thursday. The cool (is that the right sentiment?) part about this is that it is actually happening. I googled it and some of the "Oxford dons" are going to participate. Would this happen in the US? I don't know... I'm not sure it would. Does anybody know? But a national strike (including Wales) is... not unheard of in the US... but odd... at least for me to think about (in a current events context... historical strikes I know all about).

And lastly, the birds sign. I've seen a few black swans and they are terrifying. Like the birds of death or something... terrifying. But, every time I hear a duck quack, which is quite often, it makes me laugh because they sound like they are laughing.
If this picture is repeated I don't care.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week 2

This week went really fast! It's incredible how quickly its gone.

Last Sunday, after church and lunch, I went to town again and met one of my friends. We walked around and then had... well, I suppose you could call it tea... except I had a decaf latte and cheesecake.
It was super delicious and like half my dinner.
On the way back to campus, we saw a hot air balloon. The colors were amazing and amazingly vivid.
Then on Monday, I went on a tour of the Minster with some people from my Public History class (for class). It was basically a field trip, before we really had started class.
So, yes another picture of Constantine. But, hey, it's cool. Also, there's a museum under the Minster (the Undercroft Museum) and you can pretty much stand where Constantine's soldiers decided he was emperor (I kinda freaked out... it was cool).
 This is the inside of the Minster, where people sit.

I took more pictures but they aren't very good. I'm probably going to go back at some point because I get in free.

Wednesday was my first day of actual class. It went really well. My first class only has four students so there's a lot of discussion time per person. I think I did well. Luckily Augie prepared me really well for that sort of environment. I'm not saying I was a rockstar, but I didn't sound stupid and I gave opinions. My second class went alright as well. It was interesting. At one point we touched on history in America and it was weird hearing ideas about American history from people decidedly not from America. The closest were the three Canadians. I think it will be interesting to see how this trend develops.

I spent most of the rest of my week reading. I've been to the library twice and it's a pretty long walk so I think I might try to find some other places to study (not that there's a shortage).

Thursday I walked to the King's Manor campus in town and then back by way of a bank and a grocery store, but I forgot my camera. So, here are some other random pictures!

This is part of the pond on campus and a building (I'm not sure which one).
This is the first building the university had, Heslington Hall. It's named after the village nearby. Its an old manor house.
 This is Wentworth College D block, where I live. It's a great view. This is from the bridge I can see from my room.
 This is a gate thing next to the Minster.
 This is a plaza-y type area behind the Minster. I'm not entirely sure how old the buildings are because they all look different even though they are connected.
And another picture of the Minster with Constantine. Just for fun!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pictures and Update

I've got some pictures (as promised) and more stories from my first week.

So, first, a correction. There are not two kinds of geese here... there are four (yes, four... I didn't know there were even four kinds of geese).

Sunday night I went to church on campus and met the Catholic chaplain, who ministers to the Uni (one priest for the University, apparently the bishop thinks students are important), and afterwards went to pizza at the chaplaincy where I met another woman doing a MA in history (modern, fyi). I also learned they had free lunch all last week, which was nice.

Monday I had the official postgraduate (PG) induction. So that was... fun. I also did some other, relatively boring, stuff. That evening I went on a pub/bar crawl. It was OK. I went with 2 of my new friends. It would have been more fun but it was a Graduate Student Association event so there were a ton of people.

Tuesday was when my stuff actually started. I had an induction for all history taught masters students and then an induction for my program. Inductions are kind of like official welcomes. That evening There was a welcome to the Humanities Research Centre. Its like a PG base in the middle of campus.

Wednesday I started my classes. We are on a 10 week term. This week was what I would call "syllabus day"-- we just went over how the class will work, the type of readings, and such. Wednesday evening I went on a Ghost Walk in town. It was fun and really entertaining. Plus I got to see the Minster, although it was dark.

Thursday I had my other briefing, although my class will be on Wednesday. There was reception for the Humanities Research Centre in the evening. Then I had a block meeting (where I live).

Yesterday (Friday) I read then went to a reception for history PGs. Yes, read as in homework.

Today I went into town with one of my new friends. So the rest will be pictures, some from last weekend, some from today.

This is my stuff in MSP, before I had to transfer flights.

This is my stuff as I wait for the bus at the Manchester airport.

 They have at least four of these signs around campus. I have yet to see most of them.

This is Wentworth College Block D, where I live. I'm on the ground floor facing the lake.

This is the church where Guy Fawkes was baptized. It is literally feet from the Minster.

York Minster. It is huge, so I have multiple pictures of parts of it.

The front of the Minster.

This is a pothole in cobblestones.

The statue of Constantine in front of the Minster.

 Constantine and me-- my friend told me not to look so excited... I was like, um no, this is sweet.
Another picture of Constantine lounging.

I do have more pictures, but they are pretty much of the same stuff. As time goes on, I'll have more!

There you have it folks! One week down... somewhere around 49 to go!