Big news: I will officially be attending the University of York next year.
Although, to get my unconditional acceptance, I had a few final hoops to jump through. And by that I mean, all I needed was to get my final transcript from Augie. Easy, right. No. Grades were due on 31 May, so obviously I got all of my grades on that day. Except one. Which resulted in a call to the registrar's office, and after a great conversation, I had to send an email to the professor who had my missing grade. After waiting all day, I emailed the actual registrar. Tuesday morning, I heard back from both. My prof had to track down my grade from someone else (complicated, I know). He emailed my after he received it and sent it to the registrar. The email from the registrar basically said the same thing and told me how to order a transcript (which I had done already). No, our bad, we should have tracked down your grade and done our jobs. No, thanks for letting me know my office doesn't do their jobs. Just info I knew. (This incidence marks at least the 3rd time I've had to do their job.) Withing 15 minutes, I got my transcript and uploaded it to York. The next morning I had an email from them. So YAY!
Next up: details. I have a lot to do, but I have a plan of attack. I have already requested info to apply to get a student visa (yay progress!). Even with this progress, I have a ton to do. This week, I am setting up a visual representation to keep track of everything. I have taken to calling it the "murder board," like they do in the TV show "The Closer"--although nothing died in my case, it's just convenient.
Last bit of update: I will probably be starting a Twitter soon. I am not completely sure I want one, but it would be a lot more convenient than constantly writing blog posts on every interesting event.